ACC Crew Application

You want to be part of our team?

Then you are welcome to the application phase as an official Crew member of the ACC.

The most important thing of every CON are our volunteers!

You want to be one of these important people, then introduce yourself in a short motivation letter (approx. 200 words) and tell us why just you fit into the ACC CREW. Fill out the form on this page or send your application to (the points listed in the form must be included in your application mail ). There will be an obligatory meeting with briefing in advance – appointment will be announced in time. We look forward to seeing you and your application – your ACC TEAM!

Please note: We are looking forward to receiving your applications and are looking forward to supporting you at Austria Comic Con, but the number of Crew members is limited.

What we offer!

As ACC Crew member:

  • You are part of the community

  • You will get food supply during the event

  • You get your own crew badge & t-shirt

  • You get a free autogram and a photo of one starguest of your choice

  • You have free entrance to the Con during both event days

Your task area!

The following tasks are waiting for you:

  • Crowd Management and Admission Control

  • Badge edition

  • Cosplayer Weapon Control

  • Hostesses in the VIP rooms

  • Accompanying guests at the event (English required)

  • Support the film crew

  • Giving information and disclosure

You want to be part of our crew? Then please fill out this registration form completely.


First name*

Last name*

Date of birth * (minimum age 18 years)


Postal code/City*


Phone number*

E-Mail address*

T-Shirt size (Unisex)*

I already have Con experience*

I have experience with customer service and sales*

My English knowledge*
NoneBasic knowledgeAdvanced

Why I fit the ACC Crew:*

Upload (max. 15MB)
A picture of you would be nice!

Please send me news and information by Newsletter



Nerd Town
artistkern Kreativagentur
event solution
Cosplay Shop