
Every year the Austria Comic Con becomes the meeting spot for numerous cosplayers.
So do not miss the highlights this year and marvel at the elaborate costumes, where you can also meet your cosplay stars personally.

Kamui Cosplay

Svetlana is an internationally recognized costume and content maker, author, teacher and YouTuber from Germany. For over 17 years she and her husband Benni have been creating award-winning costumes and publishing books, video tutorials and crafting patterns. Kamui inspires over 1.5 million fans worldwide and is a popular cosplay guest at conventions and events, where she enriches the program with her workshops, Q&As and panels.

Meet Kamui Cosplay at their panels and ACC Cosplay Village on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th June 2022!

Elenya Frost Cosplay

Elenya Frost is a passionate Austrian cosplayer, game developer and computer geek. Every now and then she creates cosplays using her own resources, with which she has earned the second place at the ACC Championship of Cosplay for three consecutive years (2019/20/21).

Tabitha Lyons

Tabitha Lyons is a UK-based cosplayer and full-time geek at Artyfakes who started cosplaying in May 2012. Since then, her path has been going steeply uphill with no peak in sight yet.

Erza Cosplay

Erza Cosplay ist eine Cosplayerin aus München, die schon seit vielen Jahren Kostüme schneidert und mit Thermoplastischen Werkstoffen aus der Worbla Familie, einige große, umfangreiche Projekte, Waffen und Rüstungen mit diesem Material umgesetzt hat. Sie ist bekannt für ihre Details sowie für ihre zwei und dreidimensionalen Arbeiten wie Halbreliefe und Figuren aus Worbla. Gerne verhilft sie Leuten dazu, Ihre eigenen Projekte umzusetzen und hat in den vergangenen Jahren eine Reihe von hilfreichen Tutorials online gestellt.


Nerd Town
artistkern Kreativagentur
event solution
Cosplay Shop