Super Heroes Live
For years, Miloud Rabah has thrilled whole Europe with his appearances at national and international events. The “Super Heroes Live” will come to the ACC in 2020 with the following members: Iron Man, Captain America, Spiderman, Antman, Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, Black Panther and Okoye. Come to the top-class fan stand at the Austria Comic Con in Wels and have your pictures taken with the best Avengers in Europe!
RS-Pinball and the FlippArena present the pinball and entertainment area at the Austria Comic Con. On around 500m², 60 pinball machines from the 70s to completely new devices will be free to play with. On the convention weekend there will even be 2 European premieres.
Stargate – Günther Engl
Günther Engl puts leisure at the service of the stars. His Stargate made it to the Bavarian Film Award and now also to the Austria Comic Con. Günther Engl replicates devices and weapons from the science fiction scene. It’s so precise to the original that his Stargate made it to the Munich Prince Regent Theater for the Bavarian Film Award. Visit the Stargate at the ACC and take pictures and photos for free.
Star Wars Fangroup Austria
The Star Wars Fangroup Austria combines the dark and the light side of Star Wars. The members of the fan club take part in events with various compositions and are in charge of a large Star Wars area at the Austria Comic Con.
501st Legion Austrian Garrison
The Austrian Garrison is an offshoot of the 501st Legion, the world’s largest imperial Star Wars fan club officially approved by Lucasfilm. The Austrian Garrison has been in Austria since 2006 and has almost 80 members which are stationed from Vorarlberg to Vienna. Their members are in the service of Darth Vader and can be found as Stormtroopers, Bikerscouts, or even as Imperial Officers and Dark Jedi.
Until one cries LARP show fight
The exhibition fight group “Until one cries” from Vienna is a union of martial artists, historical fencers and live role players. The style of their shows is based on action films, and doesn’t always take itself seriously.
Steelcity Snidgets – Quidditch Linz
Association for Quidditch Sport in Linz: Quidditch, known from the Harry Potter films, is a mixed-gender full contact sport with dodgeball, handball and rugby elements. The game is played in different positions: chaser, keeper, beater and seeker. The former throw goals with the quaffle (volleyball), the beaters prevent them with 3 bludgers (dodgeballs) and the seekers naturally catch the golden snitch.
The Tardis
The TARDIS is a Doctor Who Fan Club and THE contact point for fans of the BBC series in Austria. The focus is on Doctor Who, but fans of the spin-off series, such as Torchwood, will also find a home at the club.
Umbrella Corporation Bayern Tech. Team XIII
Umbrella Corporation Tech. Team XIII is a German cosplay group, which displays the Umbrella Corporation from Resident Evil. As the name suggests, they are a technology unit which takes care of technical issues outdoors.
SciFi Narische
The “SciFi-Narischen “is a science fiction and fantasy club with over 150 members from Bavaria and the entire German-speaking area. Founded as a pure Star Wars costume club, the small “family” soon became a colorful bunch. Amongst them you will meet princesses, magicians, pirates, superheroes and many other well-known characters.
Fullmetal Cosplay
Exhibition of Warhammer 40K armor and a Halo Warthog with a full-sized gun.
Cosplay Entertainment Austria
Der Verein sammelt spenden für schwerkranke, unheilbare Kinder und deren Familien.